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Free Pet Poison Resources for Pet Sitters

As pet sitters, our top priority is the safety and well-being of the pets entrusted to our care. However, many common household items can pose a serious threat to our furry friends if ingested accidentally. Here are a few key strategies to help pet sitters prevent accidental poisonings while pet sitting and dog walking, and help their clients do the same!

  • Remind clients that pets can get bored while they are aware and may be prone to touching and playing with things, they have not in the past.


  • Familiarize your team with common pet poisons, including human medications, chocolate, household + wild plants + mushrooms and rodenticides.
    •  ASPCA Poison Control free webinars found HERE.
  • Save the Is This Poisonous Website Page from Pet Poison Hotline as a tab on your phone found HERE.
  • Order FREE Pet Poison brochures and other materials from ASPCA HERE or Stickers from Pet Poison Control to hand out to clients HERE.

Keep Medications Secure

  • Store all medications + supplements, in secure cabinets or drawers out of reach of pets so they cannot be grabbed or knocked off and consumed.
  • Keep medications in their original containers with childproof lids to prevent incorrect dosages being given (or updated notes if the RX label is incorrect).
  • Prevent staff from bringing personal medications, supplements or vape/cigarettes into client's home during visits by creating proper training and policies.

Beware of Chocolate and Other Toxic Foods

  •  Advise pet parents to keep chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, and other toxic foods safely stored away from pets. 
    • Find current lists on ASPCA or Pet Poison websites.
  • Create staff policies preventing staff from bringing in any food unless needed for overnights into client's home, and if they do bring foods- have a banned list of toxic items that should not be consumed in the clients' home.

Identify and Remove Toxic Plants

  • Lilies, sago palm, azalea, rhododendron, and philodendron are the most commonly found.
  • Suggest areas which pets do not have access. 
  • Recommend pet-friendly alternatives to indoor plants to add greenery to the home without risking pet poisoning.
    • Connect with a local plant nursery to create a co-branded virtual visual education hand out for clients and list local businesses they can find safe alternatives.

Use Pet-Safe Pest Control Methods

  • Use pet-safe alternatives to rodenticides and insecticides, such as traps or natural deterrents.
    • Work with a local pest control company to create a blog with these resources available!
  • Advise against using flea, heartworm and tick medications intended for dogs or cats, as they can be toxic to felines and decline to use medications on clients' pets that is off label usage.
    • Speak with local Veterinarians to create a list of currently recommended cat and dog specific flea, heartworm and tick medications.

Safe Handling of Household Cleaners

  • Keep all household cleaners securely stored away from pets and use pet safe alternatives.
  • Have proper ventilation when using cleaning products to prevent pets from inhaling harmful fumes- without letting the cat escape out the window of course!
  • Educate about safe versus unsafe essential oils and fragrances in the home for pets- including the perfume or deodorant you wear and then touch pets with!

Be Vigilant During Walks

  • Keep a close eye on pets during walks to prevent them from ingesting potentially toxic substances found on the ground, such as discarded food or garbage.
  • Train dogs to "leave it" or "drop it" to prevent them from picking up and swallowing dangerous items.
  • Avoid stepping on lawns that have recently been sprayed with chemicals, some may have warning signs.
  • Do not let dogs eat or chew or plants or other flora that could be toxic.

By taking proactive steps to prevent accidental poisonings, pet sitters can help ensure the safety and well-being of the pets in their care. By educating ourselves and our clients about common pet poisons and implementing preventive measures, we can create a safer environment for our furry friends to thrive in. Remember, if a pet ingests a potentially toxic substance, immediate veterinary care is crucial for the best chance of a positive outcome- this can be by calling ASPCA Poison Control** at 888 426-4435 or the Pet Poison Hotline**: 855 764-7661

**Please note consult fees do apply!

Amber Van Denzen is a member of NAPPS, Founder of Atta Boy! Animal Care, Atta Boy! Mobile Dog Gym, Pet Sitter CEO and is the current President of FPSA. She is a dually Certified Professional Pet SitterFetchFind Certified, a retired Veterinary Nurse of 13 years, and holds a bachelor’s degree in Animal Sciences. She lives with her 2 dogs, 15 chickens, 3 fish aquariums, 2 geckos, 3 turtles and 2 hermit crabs with her human family in Lakeland, Florida. Amber also posts YouTube videos for other pet professionals here.