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Happy Pet Parents Day


Happy Pet Parents Day! Every year, the last Sunday in April is National Pet Parents Day. Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) started this national pet holiday in 2007 after being inspired by so many of their policyholders considering their pets as being part of the family. It is a great day to set aside extra time with your pet, and to enjoy the special bond you have with them. 

Did you know that more than two thirds of Americans have a pet? They range from dogs, cats, bunnies, fish, turtles, birds, pigs, chickens, snakes; just to name a few!  The list of types of pets seems almost endless! 

There are so many ways to celebrate Pet Parents Day. Take them for an extra-long walk, go to the park, beach or walking trail. Give them a new toy! Make their favorite treats! If they love to be groomed, spend extra time brushing their coat.  Teach them a new trick or two. If they are in an enclosure, freshen it up with a new piece of scenery.  

Take a photo of you and your pet together! Take a picture of them doing their favorite activity – swimming, making a face, sleeping, playing fetch, going for a walk.  Share the picture and show off how adorable they are! And it’s a great way to find other pet parents with the same type of “family member”. 

National Pet Parents Day can also be a reminder to schedule his or her annual checkup with the veterinarian. Update your pet first aid kit too! It also can serve as a reminder to review your Emergency Planning Guide – make sure your plan is up to date!  

For the NAPPS Pet Parent Emergency Planning Guide, click here.

As a responsible pet parent, only the best will do. To help while you are at work and your children are at school, hire a NAPPS professional pet sitter! There are so many benefits to hiring a professional! To name just a few: your pet will stay in their own environment, receive love and attention, and follow their own routine.  For you, it’s peace of mind knowing that the person coming to take care of them is responsible, can handle unexpected issues and will give your pet the attention they deserve! To find a NAPPS pro, click here.

Become a NAPPS Pet Parent. You’ll receive a Welcome Kit, have access to the NAPPS library of informative articles, receive a quarterly e-newsletter, access to the NAPPS Pet Parent private Facebook page and much more! 

Click here to become a Pet Parent Member. 





Nancy Shaw, My Dog Walker & Pet Sitting, LLC

NAPPS Pet Parent Committee Chair