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Presents 4 Pets Program

The NAPPS Presents 4 Pets Program is a collection drive conducted by NAPPS members. 


P4P is a nationwide campaign which supports NAPPS' mission:

The only national, non-profit, professional pet sitting association dedicated to raising and abiding by industry standards. We support members with education, certification and the resources to operate successful businesses. 
Our community welcomes pet sitters and pet parents.




APPS Members: visit the Members Only Section for the tools needed to run a successful campaign. 

To Participate: 

  • Ask your clients, friends and neighbors to support and donate on behalf of shelter pets. Use the downloadable templates and forms now available in the Members Only Section to maximize your exposure
  • Provide them with a receipt of their donation (template provided)
  • Deliver all items to your local shelter or rescue group
  • Thank your donors and participants for their help (sample letter templates provided)


Through the Presents 4 Pets initiative, our association is inviting you to get involved and give back to the community while providing you with exposure and a positive business image.