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The Lifesaving Power of Microchipping Your Pet

The Lifesaving Power of Microchipping Your Pet: Ensuring Your Contact Information Is Up to Date

Pets bring immeasurable joy and companionship into our lives. They become an integral part of our families, offering unconditional love and loyalty. Just as we take steps to protect our loved ones, we must also ensure the safety and security of our four-legged friends. One of the most crucial ways to do this is by microchipping your pet and keeping your contact information up to date. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of these actions and how they can make a world of difference in reuniting you with your beloved pet in case they go missing.

The Microchipping Advantage

Microchipping is a simple, safe, and highly effective way to ensure your pet's identification and traceability. It involves the implantation of a tiny, grain-sized microchip under your pet's skin, usually between the shoulder blades. This procedure is often done during a routine visit to the veterinarian, and it is virtually painless for your pet. The microchip contains a unique identification number, which is registered with a pet recovery database linked to your contact information.

Here's why microchipping is so important:

  1. Reliable Identification: Collars and tags can get lost or damaged, making them unreliable as permanent identification. Microchips, on the other hand, are durable and designed to last the lifetime of your pet.

  2. Return Rates: According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), microchipped dogs are more than twice as likely to be returned to their owners, while microchipped cats are over 20 times more likely to find their way home than those without this technology.

  3. Legal Requirements: In some places, microchipping is mandated by law for certain pets, such as dogs. Complying with these requirements is essential not only to avoid fines but also to ensure the welfare and safety of your pet.

  4. Peace of Mind: Microchipping provides pet owners with the peace of mind that, should their beloved pet ever go missing, there's a reliable way to reunite with them. It can be a lifeline during a stressful and emotional time.

  5. Preventing Animal Theft: Microchips are a powerful tool in the fight against pet theft. If stolen pets are found, authorities can quickly identify them and reunite them with their rightful owners.

The Role of Updated Contact Information

Having your pet microchipped is a significant first step, but it's not enough on its own. Ensuring that your contact information is up to date is equally crucial. Here's why:

  1. Timely Reunification: When your pet is found, the microchip will provide a unique identification number that can be traced back to you. However, if your contact information is outdated, this process becomes considerably more challenging and time-consuming, delaying the reunion with your pet.

  2. Lost and Found Services: Many animal shelters and veterinary clinics have scanners to read microchips. When your pet is found and brought to one of these places, they can quickly scan the chip and contact you if your information is current.

  3. Pet's Well-being: In the event that your pet is injured or unwell and found by a good Samaritan, your updated contact information can help ensure they receive the necessary care promptly.

  4. Preventing Adoption Mix-ups: Outdated information can lead to mistakes in identifying the owner of a microchipped pet, potentially resulting in your pet being adopted by someone else.

Steps to Ensure Up-to-Date Information

Now that you understand the importance of keeping your contact information current, let's explore how you can do just that:

  1. Check Your Contact Details: Regularly review your contact information on the microchip registry. Ensure your phone number, email, and address are correct.

  2. Notify the Registry of Changes: If you move or change your phone number, be sure to update the microchip registry immediately. This is a vital step in ensuring a seamless reunion in case your pet gets lost.

  3. Ask Your Veterinarian: During your pet's annual check-up, ask your veterinarian to scan the microchip to confirm that it's functioning correctly and that the contact information is accurate.

  4. Verify with the Microchip Manufacturer: Contact the manufacturer of your pet's microchip and confirm that the information in their database is accurate.

Dr. Wendy Wolfson, Associate Professor of Shelter Medicine and Surgery at LSU School of Veterinary medicine states “As a vet I encourage all shelters and rescue organizations to chip the pets adopted out. As a vet I encourage all owners to microchip... not only if they lose their pet but also if another party claims ownership. It is a terrific resource during times of disaster when pets are unexpectedly separated from their owners.”

Microchipping your pet and keeping your contact information up to date are two simple yet incredibly significant steps in ensuring the safety and well-being of your furry family member. By doing so, you significantly increase the chances of being reunited with your pet in the unfortunate event that they go missing. It's a small investment that can yield immeasurable rewards in terms of peace of mind and the security of your beloved companion. So, don't wait - microchip your pet and make sure your contact information is current; your pet's life may depend on it.

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Yvette Gonzales, As You Wish, LLC

NAPPS Past President / Current Marketing Committee Chair